If you face issues with our products, we commit to have them solved. Our support team is always around & willing to help.
No matter the nature of your problem, not minding the degree of your misfortune, a support operator can help you get it solved.
As the products you buy from Themesic Interactive are digital, all sales are final and not refundable.
Thus, we do not offer a money back guarantee.
We believe that each user has had sufficient time to assess the quality of our products at our fully working demo website that we provide for free use for every one of them. If you have any problem with our products or experiencing difficulty in configuring them, we’ll try to fix them as soon as possible. You can contact us via our contact form or from our support ticking system. We love to hear our clients’ requests. We are always looking forward to help them. Our support department is always going beyond limits, helping in every script’s issue.